Table of Contents

    Add New Product

    After logging into your website go to Products>Add New

    add new product

    Basic Product Settings

    Fill in the details as follows:

    product 1

    The product short description:

    product short description


    Product Data Section

    Product Data Section: Services as Products

    If you offer a service then there is no physical product that needs to be sent. In this case be sure to check the VIRTUAL checkbox. This ensures that no shipping is mentioned in the order process, and is not calculated in the checkout:

    virtual product

    Product Data Section: Physical Products

    For physical products which need to be sent to the customer, simply fill in the price:

    product price sinpe

    If you use shipping rates based on weight and/or parcel size, fill in the SHIPPING tab details. You don’t have to do this if you offer FREE or FIXED price shipping.

    product shipping

    Product Data Section: Downloads as Products

    If you wish to sell digital downloads then check the DOWNLOADABLE checkbox. Click the ADD FILE button to select the digital download that gets sent to the customer after they purchase.

    downloadable product


    How to Hide Products from the Shop

    Sometimes you do not want to show a particular product in your shop page. You may wish to only send a link to the product to particular customers. In this case you can hide it from the shop and search

    hidden products





    in WooCommerce